Xxxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxxx | Must match | |
IKE Authentica- | MD5 | MD5 | Must match |
tion algorithm |
IKE Encryption | DES | DES | Must match |
IKE Exchange | Main Mode | Main Mode | Must match |
mode |
DH Group | Group 1 (768 | Group 1 (768 | Must match |
| bit) | bit) |
IKE SA Life time | 28800 | 28800 | Does not have to match. |
| Shorter period will be |
| used. |
IKE PFS | Disable | Disable | Must match |
IPSec SA Parameters |
| |
IPSec SA Life | 28800 | 28800 | Does not have to match. |
time |
| Shorter period will be |
| used. |
IPSec PFS | Disabled | Disabled | Must match |
AH authentication | Disabled | Disabled | AH is rarely used |
ESP authentica- | Enable/MD5 | Enable/MD5 | Must match |
tion |
ESP encryption | Enable/DES | Enable/DES | Must match |