Polycom VMC 1000 Broadcaster Guide | Featured Items |
Featured Items
Featured items are channels and programs that are prominently highlighted on the initial pages of the Program Browser and listed in the Featured Items section of the View Content page. The Domain Administrator selects these channels. The Domain Administrator can configure the domain to list featured channels from the Domain Configuration page.
The Featured Item tool is useful for calling out popular channels or programs that you want to promote. Featured items can be updated frequently to keep homepage content fresh. You can select one channel to be featured, per category.
Setting and Editing Featured Items
To set featured items:
1Click Programming.
2 Select Featured Items.
3Click the Add Feature icon. The Search for Items to Feature popup will appear.
4Enter text into the input field. The system will automatically search for any text that is entered.
5Click on the Channel or Program name that you wish to feature
6If a Program is selected, specify a Channel in which the Program should be featured. Then click Save.
If a Channel is selected, simply click Save.
To unfeature an item:
1Select the checkbox next to the item name.
2 Click the Unfeature icon.
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