| |
Command | Short | Password | Example: password 377enters the User Password. | |
Function |
| |||
| Form |
paramkeywords | pk | Depends | Displays all parameters and their keywords (the names you can use with | |
| on | commands). You can also display a range of parameters by entering the | |
| parameter | numbers or names of the starting and ending par meters. | |
| password |
| |
password | pw | None | Allows you to enter the User Password. Typing passwordalone clears | |
| the current | sword. |
program | pr | Depends |
| on |
| parameter |
| password |
Lets you set the value of any parameter. You must enter the appropriate password before you reset the value. See the Password command above. Format: PR [parameter # or name] [newvalue]
Example: PR0815resets the time (parameter 0) to 8:15 a.m.
remote | rm | None | Configures the | |
| control panel. |
| |
systemmode _ | sm | None* | Typing systemmode alone displ ys which system mode is now active. | |
shutdown | sd | None* | Shuts down the UPS output in 60 seconds (if you enter shutdown alone) | |
or |
| You can use systemmode with a, o, i, or lto enter one of the modes | |
| or the number of secon s you specify after the command. The READY | ||
shutdown autostart | sd a |
| indicator flashes until the UPS shuts down. If you specify autostart, the | |
| UPS restar hortly after power returns. | |
shutdown cancel | sd c | None* | Cancels a shutdown started with the shutdown command. | |
shutup | sh | None | Turns off audible alarm. |
status | s | None | Shows date, ti e, | status, present system mode, active alarms, |
| and the value of various system parameters. | |
| below. |
| |
systemmode auto | sm a | None* | Enters the Auto mode. This is the normal FERRUPS UPS mode. In this | |
| mode, the UPS provides conditioned AC power to your equipment; if | |
| there is a power outage, the UPS is ready to switch to battery power. | |
| |
systemmode off | sm f | None* | Enters the Off mode. In this mode, the UPS is not providing power to your | |
| equipment, but you can still use the UPS control panel. | |
| |
systemmode inverter | sm I | None* | Enters the Inverter On mode. In this mode, the UPS is converting DC | |
| battery power to AC power for your equipment. | |
| |
systemmode | sm l | None* | Enters the Line Condition mode. In this mode, the UPS provides | |
linecondition |
| conditioned AC power to your equipment, but it does not switch to | |
| battery power if there is a power outage. Instead, the UPS sounds a Low | |
| AC Out alarm. |
*If you change parameter 39 to “Yes,” this command requires a User password.
46 | Powerware® FERRUPS FE/QFE UPS (500 |