C O M M E R C I A L |
| P R O D U C T S |
| D I V I S I O N | |||||||||||
Diagram 20 | Target zones. |
| HEART RATE TARGET ZONES | ||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
| 200 |
| 190 |
| 180 |
| RATE | 170 |
| 160 |
| ||||
| 150 |
| |||||
| |||||
| 140 |
| MAX. | |||||||||
| 130 |
| HEART | ||||||
| YOUR |
| ZONE |
| RATE | ||||||
| 120 |
| Cardio | ||||||
| |||||||||
| 100 |
| LOSS |
| Zone | |||
| ||
| 90 |
| ZONE |
| Weight | |
| 80 |
| Loss |
| Zone | |
| 70 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 55 | 60 | 65 | 70 | 75 | |
| |||||||||||||
CAUTION: Keep in mind that the “Heart Rate” or “target” zones are approxi- mations. Always check with your physician to learn what the appropriate heart rate is for your level of fitness. Do not push yourself beyond the recommended range.
The individual target zones are based on a simple algorithm: 220 minus your age. The algorithm provides a number that estimates your maximum aerobic heart rate. For the ideal “weight loss” range, your heart rate should be between 55% and 70% of your maximum aerobic heart rate. Yellow LED’s light in the SmartRate® display when your heart rate is in the weight loss range.
Important: Your heart rate should never exceed 85% of your maximum aerobic heart rate or go above your target zone. Refer to Diagram 20.
When you maintain your heart rate between 70% and 85% of your maximum aerobic heart rate, you are improving your overall cardiovascular/cardiorespira- tory fitness level. Green LED’s light in the SmartRate® display appear when you maintain your heart rate in the cardiovascular fitness range.
Maintaining your heart rate in either zone (weight loss or cardiovascular) for 30 minutes or more on a regular basis (minimum 3 times a week) provides the greatest benefits.
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