Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual Remote PAM Log-in, Create a New Server

Models: Version 4.4

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Chapter 3: Initial Setup

Remote PAM Log-in

You must create a RAID Server in order to use Remote PAM. The RAID Server in PAM communicates with the Message Server on the network to connect your PC with the other PCs running FastTrak.

Launch Remote PAM as described above. When the PAM user interface appears:

Figure 14. Create a New Server.

1.The first time you run Remote PAM, right-click on the My Console icon and select New > Server from the popup menu. Or click the New Server icon in the Toolbar. A RAID Server icon appears.

Figure 15. Input the Server's IP address.

2.Double-click on the RAID Server icon. In Information View (above) type in the IP address of the computer where the Message Server software is installed.

If the Message Software is installed on this computer, you can use the default IP address.

3.Click Commit. A list of networked RAID PCs appears.


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Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual Remote PAM Log-in, Create a New Server