Promise Technology Version 4.4 Pulldown Menus, Dynamic Menus, Main Menu, My Console Menu

Models: Version 4.4

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Promise Array Management

Pulldown Menus

As indicated above, the left-most item of the Pulldown Menus changes according to which component is selected in the Tree View.

Dynamic Menus

By the term Dynamic Menus, we refer to menus appear only when a certain item is selected in Tree View. They are: Main, My Console, Server, RAID Machine, RAID System and Maintenance. The functions of each menu are described below.

Main Menu

When no item in Tree View is selected, the left-most menu item is Main. Its only function is Exit, which quits the PAM application.

My Console Menu

When the My Console icon is selected, the My Console menu appears. Its functions include:

Screen refresh

Rename the My Console icon

Exit PAM

Server Menu

The Server menu appears when the RAID Server icon is selected. This menu applies only to Remote PAM. Its functions include:

Modify the connection

Delete the connection



Screen refresh

Rename the Server icon

Exit PAM


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Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual Pulldown Menus, Dynamic Menus, Main Menu, My Console Menu, Server Menu