Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual PAM User Interface, PAM Monitor window has three views

Models: Version 4.4

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Promise Array Management

PAM User Interface

The Monitor window is the user interface for PAM. It appears immediately after login and displays monitoring and management functions.

Figure 19. The PAM Monitor window has three views.

The Monitor window has three views:

Tree View ― Displays the elements of your RAID system. It works like Windows Explorer with hierarchical menus. You can expand individual items to see their components.

Object View ― Displays icons representing the devices below the highlighted device in the Tree View.

Information View ― Displays information on the item highlighted in the Tree View. This may include text boxes, list boxes, fields and buttons. It varies with the item selected.


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Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual PAM User Interface, PAM Monitor window has three views