Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual New Array

Models: Version 4.4

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Chapter 5: RAID Monitoring and Maintenance

5.Click the Create button when you are done.

Figure 56. New Array.

The new array appears in Tree View. The next step is to partition and format the new array using the RAID PC's Operating System. See Appendix B in this Manual.

There is no need to restart your computer.

Figure 57. When an array is working correctly, it displays Functional status.

When your array is first created, it will display Functional status. If you have enabled Scheduled Synchronization (see next page), you will occasionally notice that your array is Synchronizing. Then it returns again to Functional.

If your array encounters a problem with a disk drive, it will display Critical status (see page 74). This indicates that your array requires your attention in order to return to Functional.

When a disk drive fails on a non-fault-tolerant (RAID 0) array, the result is an Offline status (see page 81).


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Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual New Array