Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual Array Critical

Models: Version 4.4

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Promise Array Management

Array Critical

When a disk drive fails on a fault-tolerant array (RAID 1, 0+1 and 5) for any reason, the Array goes Critical. The array can still read and write data but fault tolerance has been lost.

An Array Critical icon displays in Tree View and the alarm (if enabled) beeps quickly to call your attention to the condition.

Figure 72. An Array in Critical condition highlighted in Tree View (left) and shown in red in Information View (right).

Your first action is to identify which disk drive has failed.

1.Click on the Controller icon to expand it.

2.Click on the Array icon to expand it.

3.Observe and compare the disk drives under the Controller with those under the Array.

Drives 1, 2 and 3 are assigned to this array.

Only drives 1 and 3 appear in the array.

Drive 2 is suspect.

Figure 73. The drives under the Controller should match those under the Array.


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Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual Array Critical