Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual Synchronization Settings, Stop, Pause, Continue

Models: Version 4.4

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Promise Array Management

Synchronization Settings

This feature tells FastTrak how to deal with inconsistencies in mirrored or parity data encountered on the disk drives during Synchronization.

Figure 61. Error Handling Policy for Synchronization.

To access these settings, click on the Controller icon and look in Information View. The options are:

Skip – Bypasses the data error and works around it.

Fix – Corrects the data error.

Abort – Halts Synchronization and sends an error message.

Make your selection and click Apply.

Stop, Pause, Continue

Promise recommends that you let your rebuild run to completion. If you need to pause the process:

1.Right-click on the icon of the Array that is rebuilding and select Pause from the popup menu.

2.To continue, right-click on the same icon again and select Resume from the popup menu.


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Promise Technology Version 4.4 user manual Synchronization Settings, Stop, Pause, Continue