Public Space Parameters
Figure 5-5 Internal Authentication with Portal Page
The following sections provide basic instructions for using a Portal Page.
Setting up a Web Server (Microsoft IIS)
If you have a Windows 2000 Server, follow these basic steps to setup the IIS Web server.
For detailed information, refer to Windows 2000’s on-line Help documentation. If you want to use a different
Web server program, follow the installation instructions provided with the program.
1. Confirm that IIS is not already installed.
• Click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools.
• If the list of tools includes the Internet Services Manager, IIS is installed. Proceed to Step 7.
• If the Internet Services Manager is not listed, IIS is not yet installed. Proceed to Step 2.
2. Click Start > Control Panel.
3. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
4. Click the Add/Remove Windows Components option.
5. Place a check mark next to the Internet Information Services (IIS) option.
• This procedure assumes that you will be installing all of the default IIS options. See the Windows 2000
documentation if you have a question concerning a particular option.
6. Click Next and follow the on-screen instructions to install IIS.
• You may be prompted to insert your Windows 2000 installation CD during the installation process.
7. Launch the Internet Services Manager from Start > Programs > Administrative Tools.
8. Click the plus sign to the left of the server icon (located in the frame on the left side of the window).
9. Right-click the Default Web Site option and choose Properties from the drop-down list.
10. Click the Home Directory tab and enter the local path for the Web site files.
• If you use the default settings, the path should be c:\inetpub\wwwroot.
• Note the location of the Web site files. You will need to put the Portal Page files in this directory later.
11. Click OK to close the manager window.
• Refer to the Windows 2000 documentation if you want to configure the other Web server features.
12. Open a Command Prompt from Start > Programs > Accessories.
13. Type ipconfig and press Enter.
14. Note the Server’s IP address. You will need this information later when configuring the Portal Page parameters.