Public Space Parameters
7. Following successful authentication, the customer is redirected to the page he originally requested or to the page
you specified in the Home Page Redirection URL field (if enabled; see Home Page Redirection (HPR)).
You can use the confirm.asp sample page to display a second custom screen that can provide additional
information to your subscribers following successful authentication. The customer can then click a link on the
confirmation screen to be redirected to his originally requested page after reviewing the information on the
confirm.asp page.
8. The Information and Control Console (ICC) Java applet opens a second, small window on the customer’s desktop,
if enabled.
9. If using a custom HPR page like confirm.asp, the customer clicks a button provided on that page that redirects his
browser to the page he originally requested (or to that site’s default Web page; see the discussion on Parameter
Passing at Home Page Redirection (HPR) for details).

Editing the Sample Portal Page Files


To edit the sample HTML Portal Page file, simply open the file using a text editor, such as Notepad.
1. Open the portalpage.html file with in Notepad.
2. Replace the two APIPADDR statements with the IP address of your AP-2500.
3. Edit the “Free Content” section as necessary. Each free content link in the bullet list should have the following
<LI><a href=”http://www.anyURL.com/”>Description for Any URL Site</a>
4. Save your changes and close the file.


To edit the sample ASP Portal Page file, simply open the file using a text editor, such as Notepad. You only need to edit
the walled garden content in the ASP file; you do not need to specify the IP address of your AP; this information will be
transmitted by the AP in the redirect request.
1. Open the portalpage.asp file with in Notepad.
2. Edit the “Free Content” section as necessary. Each free content link in the bullet list should have the following
<LI><a href=”http://www.anyURL.com/”>Description for Any URL Site</a>
3. Save your changes and close the file.
For the sample procedure described in this document, you do not need to edit the confirm.asp file.

Enabling the AP-2500 to Use a Portal Page

Refer to the steps below that correspond to the sample files you have selected.


1. Copy the two sample files (portalpage.html and portalogo.gif) to a folder on your Web server. For this example, the
files are copied to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\portal\.
2. Configure the AP to use Internal Authentication, following the instructions described in the Internal Authentication
section. Skip any steps that refer to Portal Page, walled garden, or Home Page Redirection.
3. Click PublicSpace > AAA > Internal.
4. Place a check mark in the Enable Portal Page field.
5. Enter the location of the portalpage.html file in the Portal Page URL field.
In the example below, the Web server’s IP address is Therefore, the Portal Page URL field