Using the Command Line Interface
Some tables use a different syntax. See Working with Tables for details.
Example 4 - Enable, Disable, or Delete a table entry or row
In this example you would like to manage the second table row/entry.
[Device Name]>set <Table> index status <enable, disable, delete>
[Device Name]>set <Table> index status <1=enable, 2=disable, 3=delete>
[Device Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 2 status enable
[Device Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 2 status disable
[Device Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 2 status delete
[Device Name]>set mgmtipaccesstbl 2 status 2
You may need to enable a disabled table entry before you can change the entry’s elements. Also, some tables
use a different syntax. See Working with Tables for details.
Example 5 - Show the Group Parameters
In this example you can view all elements of a group or table.
[Device Name]> show <group name>
[Device Name]>show network
Result: The CLI displays network group parameters. Note that show network and show ip work the same.
Figure A-9 Results of “show network” and “show ip” CLI Commands