XML Interface Specification

AP Command Reference

Add/Update User

Sample file name: UserAdd.htm
The specified user has been authorized for access and will be added to the AP’s Authorized Subscribers Table.
Command: "USER_ADD"
Command attr: "MAC_ADDR"
Command attr_data: user MAC address (string)
tag_1: "USER_NAME"
data_1: (user name)
tag_2: "PASSWORD"
tag_2_attr: "ENCRYPT"
tag_2_attr_data: "TRUE" or "FALSE"
data_2: (user password)
tag_3: "EXPIRY_TIME"
tag_3_attr: "UNITS"
tag_3_attr_data: "SECONDS", "HOURS", "DAYS"
data_3: (number of expiry units)
tag_4: "ROOM_NUMBER"
data_4: (user's room number)
data_5: "RADIUS", "PMS", "CREDIT_CARD", or "ROOM_OPEN"
data_6: (confirmation code/ID)
tag_7: "PAYMENT"
data_7: (amount paid for access)
Returns: Standard response form

Update Cache

Sample file name: UpdateCache.htm
The user’s status in the Current Subscribers Table will change from “Pending” to “Valid”.
It is important to update the cache to enable proper access for the user.
Command attr: "MAC_ADDR"
Command attr_data: User MAC address (string)
data_1: "RADIUS", "PMS", "CREDIT_CARD", or "ROOM_OPEN"
Returns: Standard response form