6. Change the IP Address and other network values using set and reboot CLI commands, similar to the example
dialog below (use your own IP Address and IP Mask). Result: After each entry the CLI reminds you to reboot;
however wait to reboot until all commands have been entered.
[Device name]> set ipaddrtype static
[Device name]> set ipaddr <IP Address>
[Device name]> set ipsubmask <IP Mask>
[Device name]> set ipgw <Default Gateway IP Address>
[Device name]> reboot 0
7. After the AP-2500 reboots, verify the new IP Address by reconnecting, and then entering a show ip CLI statement
(as in Step 5). Alternatively, you can use the “ping” network command from networked computers to test the new IP
8. When the proper IP Address is set, use CLI or the HTTP Interface over the LAN to complete configuration and
manage operations.
System Alarms (Traps)
Security Alarms
Wireless Interface Card Alarms
Operational Alarms
FLASH Memory Alarms
TFTP Alarms
oriTrapAuthenticationFailure Wireless Card (A and/or B) incompatible vendor detected
oriTrapUnauthorizedManagerDetected Wireless Card (A and/or B) firmware download failure detected
oriTrapWLCNotPresent Wireless Card (A and/or B) not present
oriTrapWLCFailure Wireless Card (A and/or B) general failure
riTrapWLCRemoval Wireless Card (A and/or B) removal
oriTrapWLCIncompatibleFirmware Wireless Card (A and/or B) incompatible firmware detected
oriTrapWLCVoltageDiscrepancy Wireless Card (A and/or B) voltage discrepancy detected
oriTrapWLCIncompatibleVendor Wireless Card (A and/or B) incompatible vendor detected
oriTrapWLCFirmwareDownloadFailure Wireless Card (A and/or B) firmware download failure detected
oriTrapWatchDogTimerExpired Watch Dog Timer has expired
oriTrapRADIUSServerNotResponding RADIUS Server is not responding or error communicating with RADIUS Server
oriTrapModuleNotInitialized Module has not been initialized
oriTrapDeviceRebooting Device is rebooting
oriTrapTaskSuspended Task suspension has been detected
oriTrapBootPFailed BootP failure detected (no response from BootP Server)
oriTrapDHCPFailed DHCP Client failure detected (no response from DHCP server)
oriTrapFlashMemoryEmpty Flash memory card detected empty
oriTrapFlashMemoryCorrupted Flash memory data corrupted
oriTrapTFTPFailedOperation FTP (upload or download) failure detected
oriTrapTFTPOperationInitiated TFTP (upload or download) operation initiated
oriTrapTFTPOperationCompleted TFTP (upload or download) operation completed