Using the Command Line Interface
After entering one parameter, you may add another "?" to the new CLI line see the next parameter prompt, and so on
until you enter all parameters. The following example shows how this is used for the "download" Command. The last
part of the example shows the completed download Command ready for execution.
[Device Name]> download ?
<TFTP IP Address>
[Device Name]> download ?
<File Name>
[Device Name]> download apimage ?
<file type (config/img/bootloader/generic)>
[Device Name]> download apimage img

done, exit, quit

Each command disconnects the CLI Session.
[Device Name]> done
[Device Name]> exit
[Device Name]> quit


Downloads the specified file from TFTP server to the Access Point. Executing 'download' in combination with the
asterisks character, “*”, will make use of the previously set TFTP parameters. Executing download without parameters
will display command help and usage information. To see a list of available files to download, enter a question mark (?)
after download (example: download?).
1. Syntax to download a file:
Device Name]>download <tftp server address> <path and filename> <file type>
[Device Name]>download MyImage2.bin img
2. Syntax to display help and usage information:
[Device Name]>download
3. Syntax to execute the download Command using previously set (stored) TFTP Parameters:
[Device Name]>download *


Displays instructions on using control-key sequences for navigating a Command Line, and displays command
information and examples.
1. Using help as the only argument:
[Device Name]>help<space>