Using the Command Line Interface
NTP Parameters
Name Type Values Access CLI Parameter
SNTP Group N/A R sntp
SNTP On Integer enable (1)
disable (2)
RW oriSNTPStatus
Primary SNTP
Server IP
DisplayString User Defined RW oriSNTPPrimaryServerNameOrIPAddress
Secondary SNTP
Server IP
DisplayString User Defined RW oriSNTPSecondaryServerNameOrIPAddress
Time Zone Setup Integer dateline (1)
samoa (2)
hawaii (3)
alaska (4)
pacific-us (5)
mountain-us (6)
arizona (7)
central-us (8)
mexico-city (9)
eastern-us (10)
indiana (11)
atlantic-canada (12)
santiago (13)
newfoundland (14)
brasilia (15)
buenos-aires (16)
mid-atlantic (17)
azores (18)
london (19)
western-europe (20)
eastern-europe (21)
cairo (22)
russia-iraq (23)
iran (24)
arabian (25)
afghanistan (26)
pakistan (27)
india (28)
bangladesh (29)
burma (30)
bangkok (31)
australia-wt (32)
hong-kong (33)
beijing (34)
japan-korea (35)
australia-ct (36)
australia-et (37)
central-pacific (38)
new-zealand (39)
tonga (40)
western-samoa (41)
RW oriSNTPTimeZone
Date and Time DisplayString N/A R oriSNTPDateAndTime
Daylight Saving
Integer plus-two (1)
plus-one (2)
unchanged (3)
minus-one (4)
minus-two (5)
RW oriSNTPDayLightSavingTime
Year Integer32 User Defined RW oriSNTPYear
Month Integer32
User Defined RW oriSNTPMonth