Network Parameters
• If you use external authentication, you can add an IP_Type attribute to the User_Add XML command and specify
the address type (public or private), as shown in the following example:
<USG COMMAND=”USER_ADD” MAC_ADDR=”0050da554787”>
See XML Interface Specification for more information.
DNS Server
The Domain Name System (DNS) maps a host name to its IP address on the Internet. The AP redirects DNS
resolution requests to a local DNS server on behalf of subscribers. The AP must have valid DNS settings and be able
to communicate with a DNS server to provide Internet access to customers.
If you are setting up a demo with this equipment, the AP must be able to communicate with a valid DNS server
before it will function as expected. If you do not configure DNS, then all Internet locations must be in IP
address format, including HTTP requests from subscribers.
Figure 4-3 DNS Server Configuration Screen
Follow these steps to configure the DNS Server settings:
1. Login to the Web interface.
2. Click Configure > Network > DNS Server.
3. Enter a DNS Host Name for the AP. The default Host Name should be suitable for most configurations unless you
have multiple APs and want to assign each one a different Host Name.