Using the Command Line Interface
Current Subscribers Table
Subscriber Download
Integer User Defined RW authSubBwDown
Credit Card
Confirmation Number
DisplayString N/A RauthSubConfirmation
Subscriber Status RowStatus active (1),
notInService (2),
notReady (3),
createAndGo (4),
createAndWait (5),
destroy (6)
RW authSubStatus
Name Type Values Access CLI Parameter
AAA Current Subscriber
Table N/A R aaaSubCurrTable
Subscriber Index Integer N/A R subIndex
Subscriber MAC DisplayString N/A R subMac
Subscriber IP IpAddress N/A R subIp
Subscriber Port Integer N/A R subPort
Subscriber Name DisplayString N/A R subName
Subscriber Upload
Integer N/A R subBwUp
Subscriber Download
Integer N/A R subBwDown
Subscriber AAA State DisplayString N/A R subAaaState
Subscriber Expiration Info DisplayString N/A R subExpiration
Inactivity Logoff Timer DisplayString N/A R subIdleTimeout
Subscriber MBytes Sent Integer N/A R subBytesSentInMegaByte
Subscriber MBytes
Integer N/A R subBytesRecInMegaByte
Total MBytes Sent and
Integer N/A R subBytesTotalInMegaByte
Subscriber Proxy Status DisplayString N/A R subProxy
Subscriber Status RowStatus active (1),
notInService (2),
notReady (3),
createAndGo (4),
createAndWait (5),
destroy (6)
RW subStatus