XML Interface Specification
A network device can send commands to the AP via a query string appended to a URL line (GET method). The query
string is the string of characters following the question mark (?) at the end of the URL. For example, consider the
following example illustrating a “user successful login” command:
userok.htm is a virtual file name that indicates to the AP that the query string contains data about a new user that has
been authenticated and should be given access. The parameters are specified using the standard HTML GET method
(query string parameter passing).
In addition to the HTML GET method, the AP-2500 also supports XML POST commands. There are some similarities
between the two methods; both will specify a virtual file name and both will pass parameters within the query string.
The differences are in how the commands are encoded within the query string and that with XML the AP will return
data to the system that initiated the command request.
Upon receive of an XML POST command, the AP will parse the query string, execute the command specified, and
return requested data and/or error response codes in the format of an XML form as part of an HTTP response data
stream. An example follows:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK (specifies request understood)
Server: UI 3A4B6D (use the AP’s ID as the server name)
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 00:09:55 GMT (current date/time)
Content-Type: text/xml (specifies XML content)
Last-Modified: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 00:09:55 GMT (current date/time)
Content-Length: 560 (size of message body in characters)
(this must be a blank line)
(series of XML tag/data pairs)
(end of message body)
Refer to the HTTP/1.1 specifications for information of the proper formatting of a HTTP response stream. See
http://www.w3.org/ for details.
XML Query String Command Format
All commands to the AP will be sent using the form POST. The command text will be in the following XML format:
<USG COMMAND="(command)" [(attr)="(attr_data)"]>
<(tag_n) [tag_n_attr = "(tag_n_attr_data)"]>(data_n)</(tag_n)>
(command) is an AP command. Commands are listed later in this specification.
(attr) is an optional attribute associated with a command.
(attr_data) is the data associated with the optional attribute tag.
(tag_n) is a data name tag used for specifying command parameter names.
(tag_n_attr) is an optional attribute name tag.
(tag_n_attr_data) is optional attribute data.
(data_n) is the data associated with a data name tag.
The above example contains CRLFs and spacing for display clarity only. A query string must not contain any
formatting or line-break characters. It also must be URL encoded.