AP-2500 Authentication Methods
17. If you want to charge customers for access time via credit card, configure the Credit Card Services options.
• You need an account with a credit card service provider to use this feature.
• The AP-2500 works with the following credit card providers by default:
— Datacenter Luxembourg (in Europe) -- http://www.dclux.com/
— ChainFusion (in Asia) -- http://www.chainfusion.com/
— Authorize.net’s WebLink solution (U.S.) -- http://www.authorize.net/
— As of the release of this documentation, Authorize.net is discontinuing support for WebLink. Proxim is
working to provide support for Authorize.net’s Simple Integration Solution (SIM) method in the next
AP-2500 firmware release.
If your credit card service provider is not on the above list, you will need to provide your service provider with
the Credit Card Interface Specification. The credit card service provider will need to develop an interface that
communicates with the AP-2500 using this specification.
• Enter the URL supplied by your credit card service provider. By default, the Authorize.net address appears in
the Credit Card Server URL field.
• Enter the IP address for the credit card server. By default, the Authorize.net address appears in this field
(Credit Card Server IP). You will also need to enter this IP address in the Passthrough Addresses list.
• Enter your Merchant ID (supplied by your credit card service provider) in the field provided.
18. Click OK.
19. Click the Passthrough tab.
20. Enter the IP Address of the external Web server that is hosting your Portal Page in the Passthrough IP Table (if
21. Enter the Credit Card Server IP Address in the Passthrough IP Table (if applicable).
22. Enter the DNS Names for all of the Web sites that you want to include in your “walled garden” in the Passthrough
DNS Table (if applicable).
• A “walled garden” is a list of Web site that your customers can access for free without logging into the AP.
• If you want to provide free access to customers for a limited number of sites, you should use a portal page
which includes links to the walled garden sites. See Portal Page.
• You can enter a single World Wide Web address (such as www.yahoo.com) or you can enter Domain Names
(such as *.yahoo.com). Entering the Domain Name provides users will full access to the specified Domain’s
Web sites. For example, if you enter www.yahoo.com in the DNS Passthrough Table, customers will not be
able to access sites such as http://finance.yahoo.com as part of the walled garden.
23. If you plan to limit subscriber bandwidth or offer multiple access plans based on bandwidth speeds, click the
Bandwidth Mgmt tab to notify the AP of its bandwidth settings.
• These parameters correspond to the AP’s connection to the Ethernet and the Internet. Based on these
settings, the AP determines the speed of its Internet connection. The AP uses this information when making
bandwidth allocations to subscribers.
• Do not set uplink or downlink speed to 0; this will disable access to the unit over the Ethernet.
• The upper limit for uplink or downlink speed is 100,000 Kbps (100 Mbps). This is the maximum speed at which
the AP can connect to the Ethernet network. In reality, the uplink and downlink speeds will depend upon the
speed of your hotspot’s Internet connection (for example, T1 or DSL) and the speed of the wireless cards
installed in the AP (up to 54 Mbps if using 802.11a).
• By default, Bandwidth Management is enabled and uplink and downlink speeds are set to 1500 Kbps.
24. If you want to redirect outgoing e-mail traffic to your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server, click the SMTP
tab and configure the SMTP Redirection settings. See SMTP Redirection.
• Most SMTP servers only transmit e-mail messages that originate from local traffic to prevent illegal use of a
mail server by spammers, hackers, and other unauthorized individuals. Therefore, most of your subscribers
will be unable to send email messages unless you enable SMTP Redirection.
• When SMTP Redirection is enabled, all outgoing mail traffic is redirected to the SMTP server you specify in
the SMTP Server IP field (this field is based on IP address and not DNS name). This will allow subscribers to
send emails without changing any of the server settings in their email program. Typically, this will be your local
mail server (if you have one) or your ISP’s mail server.