Network Parameters
9. Select an Operation Type from the drop-down menu. This determines how the stations identified in the MAC
Access Control Table are filtered.
• If set to Passthru, only the addresses listed in the Control Table will pass through the AP.
• If set to Block, the AP will block traffic to or from the addresses listed in the Control Table.
10. Click OK to save your changes.
11. Reboot the AP for your changes to take effect.
To edit or delete an entry, click Edit. Edit the information, or select Enable, Disable, or Delete from the Status
drop-down menu.
Figure 4-15 MAC Access Configuration Screen
Subscribers and MAC Access Control
MAC Access Control does not prevent wireless clients from associating with an Access Point but it does prevent
unauthorized clients from communicating with the Access Point. For example, the client software on a blocked
wireless subscriber will report that the card is linked to the AP but the AP (acting as a DHCP server) will not assign the
client an IP address.
Validation within the MAC Access Control Table occurs before a client is authenticated by the AP-2500 using internal
or external authentication (see AP-2500 Authentication Methods for an explanation of these options). For example, a
subscriber whose card is blocked by the MAC Access Control Table will never be given the opportunity to logon to the
Internet even if he has a valid User Name and Password.