Appendix A Specifications
Environmental Specifications
110 Sun StorEdge™ L25 Tape Library and Sun StorEdge™ L100 Tape Library User’s Guide
Table 14 Compliance
and Certification
Humidity 20% to 80%
5% to 90%
Altitude -1,000 to +10,000 feet
(-300 to +3,000 meters)
-1,000 to +36,000 feet
(-300 to +11,000 meters)
Safety CSA C22.2 950, UL 1950, EN 60950
EMC/RFI FCC CFR 47-15J (level A), EN55022 (CISPR 22)
level B, EN55024 (CISPR 24), VCCI
Agency Markings CE, VCCI, UL, FCC, CSA
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