Sun StorEdge™ L25 Tape Library and Sun StorEdge™ L100 Tape Library User’s Guide 175
MMagazines, removing 38–45
Maintenance screen, accessing 77
Manual access port (MAP) 70
Move Location test, running 92–95
Move Medium test, running 89–92
OOff-line time, setting 65
QQuick View Menu screen 19–26
SSCSI history, viewing 49
SCSI IDs, setting
library 55
tape drive 56–57
Serialization, turning on or off 62
Short Labels option, turning on
or off 63
Statistics, library, viewing 45–50
Sync negotiation, turning on or off 60
TTape cartridges
handling 159–160
importing and exporting 31–37
inspecting for damage 160–163
moving 26–29
Tape drive, cleaning 79–80
Terminator power
turning on or off 58
Time, setting 67–68
WWide negotiation, turning on or off 61