Chapter 2 Basic Operations
Viewing Statistics
Sun StorEdge™ L25 Tape Library and Sun StorEdge™ L100 Tape Library User’s Guide 45
hReinsert the level 2 left magazine into the library and close
the bottom left magazine access door.
3To remove any other magazine:
aPress the white button next to the desired magazine access
The magazine access door opens.
bGrasp the handle at the front of the desired magazine and
slide it forward and out of the library.
Viewing Statistics 2
This section explains how to view library, drive, and SCSI statistics
using the Statistics Menu screen.
Accessing the
Statistics Menu
Screen 2
To access the Statistics Menu screen:
1On the main screen, press Menu.
The GUI displays the Menu screen.
2Press Service.
The GUI displays the Service Menu screen (see figure 30).
Note: If you are opening the bottom left magazine access
door, open the top left magazine access door first.