Sun StorEdge™ L25 Tape Library and Sun StorEdge™ L100 Tape Library User’s Guide 1
Chapter 1
Overview 1
This chapter provides an overview of the L25 and L100 libraries
and their features.
Library Capacity 1
L25 Library 1The L25 library can contain up to two tape drives and up to 21
DLT/SDLT cartridges or 25 LTO cartridges. The cartridges are
stored in two independently removable cartridge magazines and
one fixed cartridge slot.
L100 Library 1The L100 library can contain:
• Up to five tape drives and up to 84 DLT/SDLT cartridges or
100 LTO cartridges
• Six tape drives and up to 73 DLT/SDLT cartridges or 87 LTO