186 Chapter 11 Testing HDCP
This section describes how to test DVI and HDMI receivers with HDCP.
All DVI and HDMI options, including analyzer options, support HDCP production keys if
the HDCP option is installed. Some DVI options support both production and public keys.
To determine which HDCP keys your generator supports:
1. Load the GenStats image.
2. Verify that HDCP is listed under the Options heading, which indicates that the HDCP
option is installed, and that production keys are available.
3. If the following image names are listed on the LCD, then HDCP public (test) keys are
• HdcpA1B1
• HdcpA1B2
• HdcpA2B1
• HdcpA2B2
Note: With older firmware installed, you may be able to select these images, but an
“Image is not available” message is displayed on the display connected with the
generator. This message indicates that public keys are not installed.
To test HDCP with a DVI device:
1. Hold down the G and B key while starting the generator put the generator in digital
friendly mode.
Alternatively, enter the following command:
2. Connect the DVI transmitter on the generator to the device’s DVI receiver.
3. Select an appropriate HDCP test image.
If you are testing a device with a production key, select the HdcpProd(uction) image.
The HdcpProd image assumes that both the HDCP transmitter and receiver have a
production key.
If your generator supports public keys, select the appropriate image below. For
example, if the receiver has pubic key B2, and you want to use public key A1 in the
transmitter, then select the HdcpA1B2 image.
• HdcpA1B1
• HdcpA1B2
• HdcpA2B1