802BT/802R Video Test Generator User Guide 89
3. Press the Image key to start the Sequence List editor.
4. Use the Image knob to select a sequence file from the list of available files. NewSeq is
provided by default to serve as a template.
5. Press the Insert key (DCS) to insert the NewSeq file into the sequence list.
6. Use the Format knob to select the NewSeq file, and then press the Modify key.
7. Use the Format knob to select the field you want to edit. Use the Image knob to select
field values.
Press Change (Outputs) to apply the selected value.
Press Insert (ACS) to insert a new step.
Press Clear (G) to delete all steps.
Press Delete (B) to delete the selected step.
To move the selected step, press Move (R), then use the Format knob to select the
target position, and then press Move again.
8. Press Mode (DSS) to specify how the generator should run the sequence file when the
generator is started. If you have multiple sequence files, the file with the most recent
mode setting you make will apply upon startup. Setting the mode for a file will