726 Appendix C Error Messages
5009 Directory list full
This occurs during DIRA and DIRS commands when attempting to save more directories
than supported by the current firmware.
5010 Invalid name index
The value of the <index> parameter used for a NAMQ? query is can not be zero(0).
6000-6999 Bitmap errors
6006 No map to save
An attempt was made to save the contents of a bit map editing buffer when there was no
open bit map editing session to save.
6020 Map not found
An attempt was made to access a bit map whose name can not be found in the
generator’s list of currently stored bitmaps
6030 Invalid map dimensions
A bit map can not have a horizontal or vertical dimension of less than one (1) pixel.
6035 Invalid map depth
The current firmware and/or generator hardware configuration does not support pixel
depth setting of the selected bit map.
6036 Map data index
An attempt was made to recall a bit map at an index location that is less than zero (0) or
greater than the highest index number in use for bit maps.
7000-7999 LUT errors
7006 No LUT to save
An attempt was made to save the contents of a color lookup table editing buffer when
there was no open color lookup table editing session to save.
7010 No LUT buffer
An attempt was made to modify the contents of a color lookup table editing buffer when
there was no open color lookup table buffer available.