692 Appendix B Image Reference
100% with two (2) boxes at a 50% level. All of the grayscale boxes are omitted in the
secondary version.
Gamma check dither box – A small box is drawn inside the right-hand 50% grayscale
box. The box is half the width and height of the larger box. The box consists of a
checkerboard of alternate one-on and one-off pixels. The alternate pixels have levels
of 0 and 100%. This smaller box is not part of the original SMPTE specification and is
omitted in the secondary version.
Contrast boxes – Two (2) boxes are drawn adjacent to the grayscale boxes. They are
at 0 and 100% levels. There are smaller boxes drawn inside each box at 5 and 95%
levels. The contrast boxes are omitted in the secondary version.
Black and white windows – Two (2) horizontal bars are located above and below the
grayscale boxes. Their height equals 8% of the display height. There are half-size bars
centered in the larger bars. In the primary version, the dark portion of the windows is
at a 5% level and the bright portion is at a 95% level. Zero and 100% levels are used
in the secondary version.
Border – A border line is drawn around the image. It is set in from the edges of
displayed video a distance equal to 1% of the displayed height and has a thickness
equal to 0.5% of the displayed height. The intensity level is the same as that of the
crosshatch lines.
Circle – A large circle is centered in the image. It touches the top and bottom of the
active video area when the aspect ratio is wider than it is high (landscape-type display).
The circle touches the left and right sides of active video when the aspect ratio is taller
than it is wide (portrait-type display). The intensity level is the same as that of the
crosshatch lines. The circle is not part of the original SMPTE specification.
Resolution data - The number of active pixels per line and the number of active lines
is shown as text below the lower black and white window. The pixel depth also is shown.
The intensity level of the text is the same as that of the crosshatch lines. The displaying
of the data is not part of the original SMPTE specification.
The secondary version adds a row of six (6) color bars above and below the
black-and-white windows. The order of the colors, from left to right, is red, green, blue,
cyan (g+b), magenta (r+b) and yellow (r+g). The top row is drawn at 100% intensity
levels and the bottom row is drawn at 50% intensity levels. Color bars are not part of
the original SMPTE specification.
Test Deflection linearity
Method If the overall height and width of the display’s active video area match the sizes in the
format, the large circle should be perfectly round. Each box in the crosshatch pattern
should be the same size and shape. For more information on testing linearity, refer to the
Linearty test image on page 658.