260 Appendix A Command Reference
Class Format parameter setting - Synchronization
Description Establishes the logic sense of the digital composite sync output. The CSPP? query returns
the current setting of CSPP.
Command syntax CSPP polarity
0 = active-low (negative going pulse)
1 = active-high (positive going pulse)
Query syntax CSPP?
Query response 0 or 1
Other required
commands In order to use digital composite sync, it must be gated on with the CSPG command and
selected with the SSST command. The FMTU command instructs the generator to use the
new setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting and redraws the
test image.
CSPG 1 // Enable dig comp sync in buffer
CSPP 1 // Select active hi in buffer
SSST 2 // Choose digital comp sync type in buffer
FMTU // Update hardware to current buffer contents