320 Appendix A Command Reference
Shrink coded frame to title area with opaque white
bar surround 01100 10Ktwb
Coded frame has shot-protected title area without
graticules or bars 00000 10Ktsp
Coded frame has shot-protected title area with
action graticules without bars 00010 10Ktspa
Coded frame has shot-protected title area with title
graticules without bars 00100 10Ktspt
Coded frame has shot-protected title area with
action and title graticules without bars 00110 10Ktspb
Coded frame has shot-protected custom area with-
out graticules or border 00000 11Kcsp
Coded frame has shot-protected custom area with
action graticules without border 00010 11Kcspa
Coded frame has shot-protected custom area with
title graticules without border 0010 0 11Kcspt
(Keep) Safe Area Mode
“K” Field Code
Undo Bars BarContents Source Save Area
Bit 16 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10