492 Appendix A Command Reference
PUTA PUT Absolute
Class Direct processor control
Description Writes the specified value value into memory at the specified address address. The two
parameters address and value are interpreted according to the current setting of BASE
(see the BASE command). The number and format of the bits written depend on the
current setting of SIZE (see the SIZE command).
Note: This command is used only with custom applications and command files created by
Quantum Data. Indiscriminate use of this command can cause the generator to stop
operating and the loss of stored data in non-volatile RAM.
Command syntax PUTA address value
0 to 4,294,967,295 unsigned decimal (BASE = 10)
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (BASE = -10)
0 to FFFFFFFF (BASE = 16)
-80000000 to 7FFFFFFF (BASE = -16)
0 to 2^(SIZE)-1
Other required
commands PUTA expects parameters formatted according to the current radix set by the BASE