536 Appendix A Command Reference
Class Format parameter setting - Synchronization
Description Selects the type of sync signal used to synchronize the display. In general, any one of
three different types of sync can be selected to synchronize the display. The availability of
different sync types is specified using the ASCT, DSCT, and DSST commands. Some
displays may not accept one (or more) types of sync. For example, a digital video monitor
cannot accept analog composite sync because analog signal transmission is not used.
Also, a PGA display cannot accept digital separate HS and VS because only one sync
wire is provided in the cabling. In these cases, one (or more) of the sync types (ASCT,
DSCT, or DSST) is set to 0, indicating that they are not supported. If a non-supported sync
type is selected using the SSST command, then the corresponding sync outputs of the
generator will remain disabled. The SSST? query returns the type of sync (if any) that is
currently selected.
Command syntax SSST type
0 = no sync
1 = digital separate horizontal and vertical sync ( DHS & DVS )
2 = digital separate composite sync ( DCS )
3 = analog composite sync ( ACS )
4 = analog composite sync ( ACS )
5 = DSS and ACS
6 = DCS and ACS
7 = DSS, DCS, and ACS
11 = DCS & DSS
Query syntax SSST?
Query response type