Video Test Generator User Guide 481
PNSP Pseudo Noise Signal Procedure
Class Signal Analyzer - Pseudo-random noise
Description Selects the procedure used when making pseudo-random noise measurements.
PNSP procedure
0 = CONTINUOUS (stop after key press, knob turn, or any I/O). In this mode, noise
testing continues until either a key-press, a knob-turn, or serial/GPIB/host I/O port
activity is detected. To stop the CONTINUOUS mode remotely via the I/O ports, a “\r”
is recommended.
1 = SINGLE SHOT (stop after one run-length). In this mode, a single run-length is
executed before the pseudo-random noise measurement is stopped.
n = MULTI SHOT (stop after n run-length shots). In this mode, a number of run-lengths
(n) are executed before pseudo-random noise measurement is stopped and results
become available.
Query syntax PNSP?
Query response 0 - 2
PNSP 23 // run 23 sequences of the pseudo-random noise measurement
Related commands PNGU