376 Appendix A Command Reference
Class Format parameter setting - Video resolution
Description Establishes the total number of pixels per horizontal line. The HTOT? query returns the
current setting of HTOT.
The pixel rate is equal to HRAT multiplied by HTOT.
Note: The current version of the firmware does not allow you to directly enter a specific
pixel rate when setting up a format. If your test specifications call for a specific pixel or dot
clock rate, enter suitable values for HRAT and HTOT to give you the desired pixel rate.
Command syntax HTOT pixels
801GP = 2
801GC, GF, GX = 144
801GC-ISA, GF-ISA = 144
801GP = 2048
801GC, GX = 4096
801GC-ISA = 4096
801GF, 801GF-ISA = 65,536
Query syntax HTOT?
Query response pixels
Other required
commands The FMTU command instructs the generator to use the new settings. The ALLU command
updates the hardware to the new settings and redraws the test image.
HTOT 800 // Set total to 800
FMTU // Update hardware to current buffer contents