190 Chapter 11 Testing HDCP
Using command-line interface to control HDCP
The command interface can control HDCP tests in automated testing environments.
To run HDCP test from command prompt:
1. Establish a command terminal connection with the generator using VGM or
2. Connect the device to be tested to the transmitter on the generator.
3. At the R:> prompt, enter the following command to run the HDCP test:

HDCP? command

The HDCP? command is the only command used to control HDCP tests.
Syntax HDCP? [ A1 | A2 ] [ B1 | B2 ] [frames]
Where frames is the number of frames to be tested. The default number of frames is 512.
Example These examples demonstrate how to specify which test to run.
Error codes These errors may occur when using the HDCP? command.
Command Result
hdcp? Runs test with production keys for 512 (default) frames, and then returns 0 if
the test passed, or an error number if the test failed.
hdcp? 2000 Run test with production keys for 2000 frames.
hdcp? a1 b1 Runs test with public keys A1 and B1 for 512 frames.
hdcp? a2 b1 2000 Runs test with public keys A2 and B1 for 2000 frames.
Code Meaning
9520 HDCP key combination is not supported. Valid combinations are A1/B1,
A2/B1, A1/B2, and A1/B2.
9521 Test started successfully, but failed during test.
9522 Test did not start.
9508 Specified keys are not present.