802BT/802R Video Test Generator User Guide 733
10210 Font table range
The recalled font data object contains a reference to a nonexistent table in the data object.
10215 Font table Index range
The recalled font data object contains a reference to a nonexistent location in one of the
tables in the data object.
10220 Font not found
An attempt was made to recall a font by name that is not stored in the generator.
10225 Can not delete font in EPROM
Ann attempt was made to delete a font stored in the firmware EPROM.
10230 Invalid font check mode
The current firmware does not support the selected test method on the contents of the font
edit buffer.
10235 No font definition
The recalled font does not contain valid font definition data need to determine the size
needed by the edit buffer.
10240 Font character high range
The character height setting of the font in the edit buffer is less than one or greater than
the maximum supported by the current firmware.
10241 Font ascent descent sum
The character height setting of the font in the edit buffer is does not match the sum of the
character ascent and descent settings
10242 Invalid font character range
The first or last character number setting of the font in the edit buffer is greater than the
maximum supported by the current firmware or the number of the first character is greater
than the number of the first character.