第8章 DOSODIドライバのインストール
Copyright (c)
Configuration: SINT 0x6E MLID REXR280A
Ethernet Address: 00:C0:D0:55:23:B7
C>ETHDRV←PC/TCPカーネルのロード CentreNET PC/TCP Resident Module Version 6.0 pl 0
Copyright (c)
Using 6 EMM pages...
Code Segment occupies 2.9K of conventional memory Data Segment occupies 22.3K of conventional memory Packet Driver found at vector 0x6e
version: 1, class: 1, type: 71, functionality: 6 Using Network Driver IRQ (5) to improve performance.
ifcust (PC/TCP Class 1 packet driver - DIX Ethernet) initialized 6 free packets of length 160, 6 free packets of length 1514
The Resident Module occupies 25.5K of conventional memory
host responding, time = 25 ms
Debugging information for interface ifcust Addr(6): 00 c0 d0 55 23 b7
interrupts: 69 (6 receive, 0 transmit)
packets received: 6, transmitted: 4
receive errors: 0, unknown types: 0
runts: 0, aligns: 0, CRC: 0, parity: 0, overflow: 0
too big: 0, out of buffers: 0, rcv timeout: 0, rcv reset: 0 transmit errors: 0
collisions: 0, underflows: 0, timeouts: 0, resets: 0
lost crs: 0, heartbeat failed: 0 ARP statistics:
arps received: 1 (0 requests, 1 replies)
bad: opcodes: 0, hardware type: 0, protocol type: 0 arps transmitted: 2 (2 requests, 0 replies)
0 huge buffers; 0 free now; minimum of 0 free
6 large buffers; 5 free now; minimum of 5 free 6 small buffers; 6 free now; minimum of 5 free
Ping failed:Host unreachable:ARP failed