Panel Descriptions
Use these buttons to select the input source (input jack) that
you wish to record. The selected button will light. You can
mute (silence) the input sound by pressing a button that is
“Selecting the Input” (p. 36)
For selecting either guitar or bass use of the GUITAR/BASS
jack, or the MIC2 jack.
This is used to select the MIC1 jack, used for external mics,
or the onboard stereo mic.
Connecting a mic to the MIC1 jack or MIC2 jack switches off
the onboard stereo mic.
This selects the LINE IN jack, used for CD players or other
portable audio players or other line-level devices.
By pressing [GUITAR] and [MIC] simultaneously, you can
record from both inputs at the same time.
* If the INPUT SELECT setting is changed, the insert effect
bank (p. 92) changes automatically.
[REC MODE (Recording Mode)]
This button is used for selecting the recording mode.
“Recording” (p. 44, p. 54)
“ Putting multiple tracks together (Bounce)”
(p. 49, p. 65)
“Mastering” (p. 111)
Press this button to return to the previous screen or cancel
the last entry.
Press this button to confirm a selection or a value being entered.
CURSOR buttons
Press these buttons to move the cursor within the screen.
You can use this dial to shift the current position within a
song (e.g., fast forwarding and rewinding). It is also used to
change the values of the various function settings.
This enables the buttons used for playing the drum sounds
(the drum pads).
“Section 4 Using The Rhythm” (p. 131)
Use this button to turn on and off the insert effects (p. 92) or
call up the screen for editing the various settings.
This button is used to make settings for the Mastering Tool Kit.
Use this button to turn on and off the Pitch Correction. This
function adjusts the pitch of recorded vocals.
“Fixing the Pitch of Vocals (Pitch Correction)”
(p. 123)
This calls up the screen for setting the panning (position) of
the sounds to be played back in each track and the input
sounds.(p. 49, p. 56)
This calls up the screen for editing the tone (low/high) for
each track (equalizer).(p. 50)
This calls up the screen for setting the send level of each
track respective to the loop effects (p. 50, p. 118), setting the
various parameters, and more.(p. 120)
“Using the Loop Effects” (p. 118)
“Using the Track EQ” (p. 121)
BR600_e2 17 ページ 2006年4月17日 月曜日 午前9時3分