UNO-TS2 Touchscreen Button Functions
Room On/Off
To turn on the room and the touchscreen, touch the
System All On/Off
An “All On” command is issued by pressing the power button and holding for 3 seconds, after an initial room has been turned on. An “All Off” command can be issued to all rooms by press- ing and holding the power button after the room has been turned off.
System On Indicator
When the room is off, but the system is on in another room, the power button is illuminated by a red backlight.
Volume Up/Down Buttons
The room’s audio output is adjusted using the volume up/down hard buttons on the side of the touchscreen.
F1 and F2 Buttons
The F1 and F2 buttons are user favorite presets. These presets can be selected at any time to recall source selection, volume, and favorite chan- nel, disc, etc. To store a favorite preset: first, adjust the room settings and select a source to be stored. Next, press and hold either F1 or F2 until “SAVED” is displayed on the LCD panel. Now a press and release of the button will recall the favorite preset. To set a favorite numbered disc or channel, use Plus or Minus to select a disc or channel from its source screen. Wait for the touch- screen to show the source name, then press and hold F1 or F2 within 15 seconds of setting the numeric selection.
Source Select Button
The six buttons in the middle of the touch- screen’s home page show the six assigned names of the sources. To select a source, press the button assigned to that source. To change sources, return to the home screen and press another source button. As the sources are selected, each source's name appears on the touchscreen’s LCD panel. When a source is selected in more than one room, the “shared” icon will be lit on all UNO Keypads using that source.
Source Control Screens
As each source button is pressed, a different screen appears that is customized to the source. These source screens come in “sets” which may have more than one screen per source that provide source information and selection options. In addition, the hard buttons on the right side of the touchscreen have sec- ondary functions that are indicated with text on the specific source screens.