5 To add more Email accounts, select Settings Add account and repeat steps 2-4.

When you are finished setting up the Email account, the Email messages are downloaded to your device. If you have created more than two accounts, you can switch between Email accounts; Select an account name at the top left of the screen and select the one you want to retrieve messages from.

››Send an Email message

1 Open the application list and select Email an Email account.

2 Select .

3 Add recipients of your message.

Enter Email addresses manually, separating them with a semicolon.

Select Email addresses from the lists by selecting .

4 Select +Cc/Bcc and add more recipients.

5 Select the subject field and enter a subject.

6 Select the text input field and enter your Email text.

You can insert an image, contact, calendar, memo, or location by selecting .

7 Select files to attach.

8 Select Send to send the message.

If you are offline or outside your service area, the message will be held in the outbox until you are online and in your service area.
