››View an Email message

When you open an Email account, you can view previously retrieved Emails offline or connect to the Email server to view new messages. After retrieving Email messages, you can view them offline.




Open the application list and select Email an Email account.

Select to update the message list. Select an Email message.

From the message view, use the following options: To search for an Email message, select .

To reload the messages, select .

To create a new message, select . To reply to the message, select .

To forward the message to other people, select . To delete the message, select .

To make the message as unread, select Mark as


To move the message to another folder, select Move.

To change the background color, select Background color.

To print the message, select Print. Your device is compatible only with some Samsung printers.

To customize the Email settings, select


To view the messages by category, select

List by.

To change the view mode, select View mode. To add a star to the message, select .

To save an attachment to your device, select the attachment tab .
