Samsung MG23K3513AK/BW manual Pechning togri ishlashini tekshirish, Taom tayyorlash/isitish, Izoh

Models: MG23K3513AS/BW MG23K3513AK/BW

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Pechdan foydalanish

Pechning to'g'ri ishlashini tekshirish

Quyida bayon qilingan oddiygina protsedura istalgan vaqtda pechning to'g'ri ishlayotganligini tekshirish imkonini beradi. Amin bo'lmasangiz, 36 – 39-betlardagi “Nosozliklarni bartaraf etish” bo'limiga qarang.


Pech o'zgaruvchan tok tarmog'ining mos rozetkasiga ulangan bo'lishi kerak. Pechga aylanuvchi patnis o'rnatilgan bo'lishi kerak. Agar maksimal quvvatdan (100 % - 800 Vt) boshqa quvvat ishlatilsa, suv kechroq qaynaydi.

Pech eshigini tepa tomonidagi tutqichini tortib oching.

Taom tayyorlash/isitish

Quyida keltirilgan jarayonda taomni tayyorlash yoki isitish jarayoni bayon qilinadi.


Pechni qarovsiz qoldirishdan avval tayyorlashning berilgan parametrlarini DOIMO tekshiring.

СВЧ (Mikroto‘lqin) tayyorlashning maksimal vaqti 99 daqiqa.

Eshikni oching. Tayyorlanayotgan taomni aylanuvchi patnisning markaziga qo'ying. Eshikchani yoping. Hech qachon mikroto'lqinli pechning ichi bo'sh bo'lganida, uni yoqmang.

Pechdan foydalanish

Aylanuvchi patnisga suv quyilgan stakanni joylashtiring. Eshikchani yoping.

СТАРТ/+30 СЕК (START/+30s) tugmasini bosing

va СТАРТ/+30 СЕК (START/+30s) tugmasini kerakli

marta bosish orqali 4 yoki 5 daqiqalik vaqtni tayinlang. Natija: Pechdagi suv 4 yoki 5 daqiqa davomida isiydi.

Keyin suv qaynashi kerak.

12  O'zbek





1.СВЧ (Mikroto‘lqin) tugmasini bosing.

Natija: 800 Vt (maksimal tayyorlash quvvati)

ko'rsatkichlari ko‘rsatiladi:

(mikroto'lqin rejimi)

2.Yuqoriga yoki Pastga tugmasini bosib, kerakli quvvat darajasini tanlang.

(Quvvat darajalari jadvaliga qarang.)

Keyin ЧАСЫ (TANLASH/SOAT) tugmasini bosing.

3.Yuqoriga yoki Pastga tugmasini bosib, tayyorlash vaqtini o‘rnating.

Natija: Tayyorlash vaqti ko‘rsatiladi.

4.СТАРТ/+30 СЕК (START/+30s) tugmasini bosing.

Natija: Pech ichida chiroq yonadi va patnis aylana boshlaydi. Tayyorlash boshlanadi va u nihoyasiga yetishi bilan.

1)Pech 4 marta tovushli signal beradi.

2)Yakunlanganini eslatish signali (bir daqiqa intervali bilan) 3 marta beriladi.

3)Displeyda yana joriy vaqt ko‘rsatiladi.

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2017-02-01 ￿￿ 2:15:54

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Samsung MG23K3513AK/BW, MG23K3513AS/BW manual Pechning togri ishlashini tekshirish, Taom tayyorlash/isitish, Izoh

MG23K3513AS/BW, MG23K3513AK/BW specifications

The Samsung MG23K3513AK/BW and MG23K3513AS/BW are versatile microwave ovens designed to meet the demands of modern kitchens. These models combine elegant design with advanced technology to provide a reliable cooking solution for families and individuals alike.

One of the standout features of these microwaves is the ceramic enamel interior, which offers not only a sleek appearance but also convenience in cleaning. The smooth surface is resistant to scratches, making it easy to wipe down and maintain. This innovative material also helps to prevent bacterial growth, ensuring that the microwave remains hygienic.

With a capacity of 23 liters, the Samsung MG23K3513 models provide ample space for cooking various dishes, from reheating leftovers to preparing large meals. The ovens boast a powerful 800-watt output, which ensures that food is cooked evenly and efficiently. This power level can be adjusted through multiple power settings, allowing users to customize the cooking process to suit different types of food.

These microwave ovens feature Samsung's Smart Sensor technology, which automatically adjusts cooking times and power levels based on the food being prepared. This feature not only takes the guesswork out of cooking but also helps to prevent overcooking or undercooking. Additionally, the models come with a range of pre-programmed cooking modes, including options for defrosting, steaming, and specific food types like pizza or popcorn.

The sleek design of the MG23K3513AK/BW and MG23K3513AS/BW makes them a stylish addition to any kitchen. Available in black or silver finishes, they can easily complement existing appliances and decor. The LED display provides clear visibility, while the intuitive control panel makes operation straightforward, even for first-time users.

Another noteworthy characteristic is the Eco Mode, which minimizes power consumption when the microwave is not in use. This environmentally friendly feature aligns with modern energy-saving initiatives while still providing users with powerful performance during cooking.

In conclusion, the Samsung MG23K3513AK/BW and MG23K3513AS/BW are feature-rich microwave ovens that enhance the cooking experience. With their smart technology, user-friendly interface, and striking aesthetics, these models exemplify Samsung's commitment to quality and innovation in kitchen appliances. Whether for reheating, defrosting, or cooking from scratch, these microwaves deliver reliable and efficient performance to meet the culinary needs of every home.