




Turns on or off wireless network device in a model equipped with



wireless network device.



You can only use this function after installing Windows XP/



Windows Vista/Windows 7 and installing the Easy Display Manager

program and the wireless LAN driver with the system software media disk.


Turns the Touchpad function on or off.


When using an external mouse only, you can turn the Touchpad off.

You can only use this function after installing Windows XP or


Windows 7/Vista and installing the Easy Display Manager program


with the system software media disk.




Turns the numeric keyboard on or off . (For 14 inch models) For


15/17-inch models, once the Num Lock is on, the numeric keypad in

Num Lock

the right side of the keyboard is enabled.


You can only use this function after installing Windows XP or


Windows 7/Vista and installing the Easy Display Manager program


with the system software media disk.




If you turn the Scroll Lock on, you can scroll the screen up or down


without changing the cursor location in some applications.

Scroll Lock

You can only use this function after installing Windows XP or


Windows 7/Vista and installing the Easy Display Manager program


with the system software media disk.