Collection of frequent Auto cook recipes
These recipes can be used together with the auto cook features.
Potato gratin
Ingredients 800 g potatoes, 100 ml milk, 100 ml cream, 50 g beaten whole egg,
1 tbsp each of salt, pepper, nutmeg, 150 g grated cheese, butter, thyme
Directions Peel potatoes and slice them to 3 mm thickness. Rub the butter all over the surface of a gratin dish
Mix the rest of the ingredients except for grated cheese into a large bowl and stir well. Layer the potato slices in the dish slightly overlapping and pour the mixture over the potatoes. Spread the grated cheese over the top and bake. After cooking, serve sprinkled with a few fresh thyme leaves.
Vegetable gratin
Ingredients 800 g vegetables(courgette, tomato, onion, carrot, pepper,
Directions Wash the vegetables and slice them to
Cooking Smart
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