Quiche Lorraine
Ingredients • Pastry: 200 g plain flour, 80 g butter, 1 egg
•Filling: 75 g cubed fatless bacon, 125 ml cream, 125 g crème fraiche, 2 eggs, beaten, 100 g grated cheese from Switzerland, salt and pepper
Directions To make the pastry, put the flour, butter and egg in a bowl and mix to a soften pastry and then rest it in the refrigerator for 30 min. Roll out the pastry and placed in the greased ceramic dish for quiche (25 cm diameter). Prick the bottom with a fork. Mix the egg, cream, crème fraiche, cheese, salt and pepper. Pour it on the pastry just before baking.
Homemade pizza
Ingredients • Pizza dough: 300 g flour, 7 g dried yeast, 1 tbsp olive oil, 200 ml warm water, 1 tbsp sugar and salt
•Topping: 400 g sliced vegetable (aubergine, courgette, onion, tomato), 100 g ham or bacon (chopped), 100 g grated cheese
Directions Put the flour, yeast, oil, salt, sugar and warm water in a bowl and mix to a wettish dough. Knead in a mixer or by hand about
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