Table 6-1. Instruction Group Summary
Mnemonic Operands Instruction
Load Instructions
CLR dst Clear
LD dst,src Load
LDC dst,src Load program memory
LDE dst,src Load external data memory
LDCD dst,src Load program memory and decrement
LDED dst,src Load external data memory and decrement
LDCI dst,src Load program memory and increment
LDEI dst,src Load external data memory and increment
POP dst Pop from stack
PUSH src Push to stack
Arithmetic Instructions
ADC dst,src Add with carry
ADD dst,src Add
CP dst,src Compare
DEC dst Decrement
INC dst Increment
SBC dst,src Subtract with carry
SUB dst,src Subtract
Logic Instructions
AND dst,src Logical AND
COM dst Complement
OR dst,src Logical OR
XOR dst,src Logical exclusive OR