2Event Search
●Searches Normal Recording, Panic Recording, Sched.(Schedule) Recording, Alarm Recording, Motion Recording, and Image Loss Recording by the time.
●You shall select a channel to search to see the Event information of the channel.
●On the basis of the Event information for each channel, the system searches the video file for the event. Only one channel is allowed for video search.
●Press [Enter] ➛, and ❿to select a channel and the event list for the selected channel only will be displayed.
●After channel selection, press , ❷, and [Enter] to select a channel from the event list. The box on the left of the selected event number will be checked.
●Press ❷to move to [Start] and press [Enter] to start search and move to [Cancel] and press [Enter] to cancel search. Press [Next] followed by [Enter] to see the event list in the next screen and press [Prev] followed by [Enter] to see the event list in the previous screen.