●Play Buttons
2 1
5 3 4
9 7 6 8
@Reverse Play
$Fast Forward
%Fast Backward
^Step Forward : Forward by 1 second
&Step Backward : Backward by 1 second
*Go to Last : Plays the first image of Timeline.
(Go to First: Plays the recent(last) image of Timeline.
Disconnect is not available during (Play/Reverse Play/Fast Forward/Fast Backward). In this case, click the Stop button.
-Displays the time when the video image was recorded in the current device for the date selected from the Calendar window.
-The General mode displays the information for 24 hours from 0 to 24 o’clock and the Zoom mode displays the time information every 2 hours.
[General Mode]
!This mode is displayed in the Play screen and the CH will be activated in the white background.
@Timeline: Displays the time information on the video data recorded in the cur-
rent device.
#Time Bar: Displays the current time of the video image in play.